Thursday, March 8, 2012

Individual Prawn Pizza

This is my variation on an appetizer Lobster Pizza I had at Red Lobster. Ingredient portions can, of course, be increased to make a larger pizza using Boboli or other type of pizza crust. The Red Lobster’s crust was a thin, crispy type. This recipe is for just one pizza, which is adequate for a single meal, but you can increase amounts and use larger pans if you want to make these for appetizers.

Individual Prawn Pizza

Gordita Tortilla
Basil Pesto
Fresh-grated Parmesan cheese
Diced and drained Roma or vine‑ripened tomato
7 or 8 cooked, peeled and deveined prawns, cut into pieces
Shredded mozzarella cheese*

Preheat oven to 350° F. Line pizza pan with foil; drizzle a small amount of olive oil on foil, then use paper towel to rub onto foil. Lightly sprinkle the foil with coarse salt.

Place gordita tortilla on foil. Spread a thin layer (about a soup spoonful) of pesto thinly over the tortilla. Spread (or grate) the Parmesan cheese over the pesto layer. Spread chopped tomato and  prawns evenly over crust. Top with shredded cheese. Bake for 10 to 11 minutes until cheese is melted and crust is crispy; cut into slices and serve.

* I just use one of those packaged string cheeses when I need a little grated mozzarella, but watch out for your fingers when grating it!

Rick with Treeva and Teena

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