Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cheese Bread

There used to be an Italian restaurant just west of The Doughboy Monument in Astoria, Oregon which had the best cheese bread. Unfortunately it burned down one night, so no more cheese bread! Fortunately, after experimenting with various combinations such as cheese and cream cheese I finally hit on this version which is as good as I recollect the original being. It is quick, easy and delicious. Unfortunately, it has a ton of fat and calories ... but serve it with a green salad and you won't feel too guilty!

Cheese Bread

Shredded Monterey Jack or Pepper Jack cheese
(Other cheeses will also work, but will naturally have a different flavor)
Ranch Dressing (or you can just use Mayonnaise)
French bread

Mix the cheese and dressing together‑‑somewhat similar to mixing tuna fish.  Split and lightly toast the french bread loaf (I generally use the individual sourdough sandwich rolls, but the spread can also be used on whole split loaves or on individual slices). Spread with the cheese mixture (not too thickly), and broil until cheese is hot and bubbling.

Notes: I haven't given any quantities, as it will depend on just how much Cheese Bread you want to make. You can store any unused mixture in the refrigerator for a day or so. For a really deluxe version you can also mix in either some smoked salmon, small cooked shrimp, or some cooked crab meat--delicious!
My brother Rick

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