Thursday, February 20, 2014

Blue Deviled Eggs

Friends Chuck and Merry
(no, those aren't eggs--different party!)
By definition "blue deviled" is an archaic term meaning sad and dreary, but these eggs are anything but! My friends Chuck and Merry introduced me to these, and now I'm hooked. There are other recipes online that call for using blue cheese and mayonnaise, and if you've got some blue cheese on hand, by all means add some, but my version uses a good-quality refrigerated blue cheese salad dressing (such as Lighthouse). My friends' version included salad shrimp and also water chestnuts for  a little "crunch," but I've listed these as optional ingredients, since not everyone likes (or can eat) shellfish, and some people may feel the same way about water chestnuts.

Blue Deviled Eggs

12 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and sliced in half lengthwise
2 or 3 green onions, finely sliced
About 1/2 cup Blue Cheese dressing
1 tsp Dijon or Stone Ground Mustard (adds a little "kick," but can be omitted)
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste
optional: Crumbled Blue Cheese
optional: cooked Salad Shrimp, finely chopped
optional: About 4 or 5 canned Water Chestnuts, finely minced OR a little finely minced Jicama (which is what my friends add when they are in Mexico)

Place egg yolks in medium bowl and mash with a fork. Add green onions, Blue Cheese dressing, seasonings and other optional ingredients as desired. Spoon or pipe mixture into egg white halves and refrigerate until serving. Can garnish each half with a little piece of green onion and/or a shrimp (which is probably a good idea if you're including them, as it lets people with shellfish allergies know what is in them).

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