Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Incredibly Easy Baked Chicken

This recipe is so simple, but the chicken turns out tasty and moist. Even better, the preparation time is ridiculously quick—about 5 minutes tops! As you can see, there is no quantity shown for the seasoning ingredients, it just depends on the how much chicken you’re baking.

Incredibly Easy Baked Chicken

Chicken (quarters or pieces--whichever you prefer)
Garlic powder
Other seasonings, if desired
Brown sugar
Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a pan with foil (you don’t have to, but it makes cleanup easier), and lightly grease the foil. Place chicken pieces on the foil. Generously season with garlic powder, and sprinkle with salt. If you want to get fancy, you can add other seasonings such as turmeric, paprika, dried lemon peel, etc. Sprinkle pieces with brown sugar. Place in oven and bake. Check after approximately 40 minutes, and cover with foil if chicken appears too dry.

Approximate total baking time:
Whole wings and/or drumsticks: 50 minutes
Thighs or thigh/drumstick quarters: 55 to 60 minutes
Breasts or breast/wing quarters: 60 to 65 minutes

My niece Treeva, with unknown friend, ca 1982

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